Tuesday, 15 September 1998:


I got e-mail today about a pretty cool-looking Web site, called SixDegrees, which, as you might guess, is based on the "six degrees of [Kevin Bacon|Freedom]" concept. I decided it looked neat enough and harmless enough (and free enough) that I signed up for it. It could be an amusing way to waste a few hours in the next few months.

And of course I immediately spammed many of my friends to tell them about it. Grin! But hey, I rarely send anything like spam anyway, so I guess I'm entitled once a year.

(I don't think my jokes list counts as spam, since I'm perfectly willing to remove anyone from it who wants off. But I'm moderately discriminating in my selection of jokes to re-send [no matter what Jim says] so few people complain.)

A pretty laid-back day. I finished going through the QA notes I've received on my logs for the current release, and made progress on a couple of other projects. I feel like I've really been dragging lately, but I'm making definite progress on several fronts so I must not be doing too badly.

It cooled off somewhat today, and the humidity's gone down a bit. But I got a haircut yesterday just to make sure. Otherwise, I guess there's not a whole lot to report today.

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